
A dataset is a loadable unit in Geo Engine. It is a parameter of a source operator (e.g., a GdalSource) and identifies the data that is loaded. Geo Engine supports different types of data, reflected by a DataId, which refers to internal datasets and external data.

Internal dataset

An internal dataset is a dataset that is stored in the Geo Engine. Thus, it is efficiently accessible and can be used in workflows. The dataset is identified by a DatasetName and contains a DatasetDefinition that describes the data.

The DatasetName is a string that consists of a namespace (optional) and a name, separated by a colon. For instance, namespace:name or name refer to datasets. The name can consist of characters (a-Z & A-Z), numbers (0-9), dashes (-) and underscores (_).

External data

An external dataset is a dataset that is not stored in the Geo Engine. Geo Engine accesses it from a foreign location. The dataset is identified by an ExternalDataId that consists of a DataProviderId and a LayerId. While the DatasetProviderId is usually a UUID that identifies the data provider for Geo Engine itself, the LayerId is a string that identifies the layer in the data provider.

The ExternalDataId is a string that consists of a namespace, the DataProviderId and a name, separated by a colon. The namespace cannot be omitted and is _ for the global namespace. For instance, _:{uuid}:name or namespace:{uuid}:name refer to datasets. If the name is a complex string, it can be enclosed by backticks, e.g., namespace:{uuid}:`name with spaces`.